What the Summer Stage Kids Are Saying…..
“This has been such a blessing because we have never had anything like this in Grayson. We have learned so much like how to dance, sing, act, and what it truly means to be a leader.”
(14 year old girl)
“So far this was the best summer ever! I’ve learned about how to be a leader and the meaning of friendship……This program has made me ask “Did I fill the world with love?””
(14 year old boy)
“Here at Summer Stage we are family.”
(11 year old girl)
“….. my head is popping with ideas!”
(13 year old girl)
“I’m coming back next year! This was fun!”
(14 year old boy)
“I think I’ve become a better leader in just the few weeks we have been already doing this. It helps me to achieve my goal in life.”
(Intern at Summer Stage)
What the Summer Stage PARENTS Are Saying…..
“My daughter had become very shy and quiet. Summer Stage helped her bloom and she gained so much self-confidence and poise! Everyday she would come home and tell me about all the fun she was having and how much she loved working with the staff at Summer Stage. It really helped her so much. Now she’s joining in the activities at her school. This is a wonderful program!”
(Parent of a Summer Stage actor)
What the Parents Are Saying….
“My kids really enjoyed it! (My son) just blossomed and was so proud of himself!”
“In the beginning my daughters wouldn’t even say their names. They would just scrunch up their shoulders and laugh….At the end of the program my kids —along with all of the other wonderful kids—-came out of their shells. They were different people. By the end of the program we were like family.”
“My daughter still talks about Summer Stage every day!”
“Since he has been here his personality has livened up. He beats me out of the house in the morning to get here because he feels part of the group.”
“I am so thankful for Summer Stage for giving him the opportunity to be who he is.”

What the Volunteers are Saying……
“Again I would like to thank you for the opportunity to work at Summer Stage. It has changed my life. I now have so many goals to reach for.”
“It was amazing to see the kids really bloom as they learned their parts. These are skills they will use all their lives.”